
Brownie Trio by Newberry Specialty Bakers

Brownie Trio by Newberry Specialty Bakers

UPDATE 8/09/2017:  A viewer wrote to me that the Brownie Trio has been discontinued.  I have not been able to contact anyone from Newberry Specialty Bakers to confirm.  Google lists the plant in Houston as permanently closed, however there is a Facebook post from April 2017 indicating a new logo "Newberry Bakers." Their telephone number is still working and is answered by an auto attendant. The mailboxes of the principal officers are all full.  I am not sure if the company is under reorganization or is kaput.  Either way, the delicious brownies are not available at this time.

It is an all too familiar situation.  You are supposed to arrive tomorrow with a sweet in hand for a pot luck, work meeting, teacher treat day, (insert the occasion you just remembered here). What is one to do!  I will tell you what I do!  I run to Sam's Club for Newberry Specialty Bakers Brownie Trio. The decadent trio tastes as if a brownie and a piece of fudge got married and had babies. Newberry was brilliant to divide them into smaller portions to allow the consumer to try one of each without having to choose just one.  The package includes 8 Chocolate Hazelnut brownies, 8 Midnight Fudge brownies and 8 Turtle brownies.  The Chocolate Hazelnut brownie has the most calories of the three at 100, but it is definitely worth an extra few minutes on the treadmill.  The package of 24 costs $6.98.  They stack nicely on a 10.5 inch plate, but I would get two packs because some will surely disappear on the way to your function.  The package I bought had a sticker on it for a sell by date for 10 days in the future. They are located in the bakery. For information on how to join Sam's Club, go to  In case you are wondering, there is not a video review of this product because IT'S CHOCOLATE! There is nothing to say!