
Apple Blossoms by Trader Joe's

Apple Blossoms by Trader Joe's

No time to make a homemade apple pie? No problem because when you aren’t able to peel, slice and roll the dough, Trader Joe’s Apple Blossoms come to the rescue. The golden pastry blossoms are bursting with delicious Northern Spy apples from Canada covered in a flavorful cinnamon crumble.

Each pastry is fully baked and ready to heat either in the microwave for 50 to 60 seconds or for 15-20 minutes in the oven. I prefer to heat them in the oven. Add some whipped cream or ice cream to complete your apple pie experience.

Each box costs $2.29 and contains two Apple Blossoms and can be found in the frozen dessert section of Trader Joe’s. And for the love of Pete, I cannot find the “best by” date or the “use by” date and my assistant with the expert eyes is off to college now, but I can tell you that each blossom is individually wrapped so opening the box and making one pastry will not compromise the other.